- About Atrial Fibrillation - Information about the most common cardiac arrhythmia - atrial fibrillation. Includes information on symptoms such as rapid or irregular heartbeat, diagnosis, and atrial fibrillation treatment such as ablation, cardioversion and medication.
- Achoo
- Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR)
- Angioplasty PTCA Home Page
- Apoptosis Online
- Arrhythmia Online
- Atlas of Cardiology at Kansas Univeristy Medical Center
- atmedica (in French) - practical links to top medical sites, e-mail boxes, a congress calendar and scientific articles
- Base d'information Cardiovasculaire Mondiale (in French)
- Base de Informacíón Cardiovascular Mundial (in Spanish)
- Biocritique - A no-nonsense site helping professionals keep up with significant developments in cardiovascular medicine. Top cardiologists make the selections and write the critiques. Great Powerpoint slides too! You can earn Category I CME Credits from reading the articles.
- BioMedNet
- Cardiac Directions - produces Cardiac Rehab patient education kits FREE
OF CHARGE. The kits include a wonderful 40 page educational guide, heart-healthy sample products, and coupons.
- Cardiac Muscle Molecular Biology Lab
- Cardiac News on the Net
- Cardiax
- Cardiofind
- Cardioglobal (in Spanish)
- Cardiolinks - Cardiology links and patient information.
- Cardiology Compass
- Cardiologyline
- Cardiology Rounds - provides interested physicians around the world with a unique window on some of the most current information and discussion on important scientific and clinical developments in the field of cardiovascular medicine.
- CardioScript International
- Cardiosite.org
- CardioSource
- Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Forum
- Cardiovascular Consultants Medical Group - An extensive educational resource for patients and health care professionals on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
- Cardiovascular Disease Resources
- Cardiovascular Pathology Index - University of Utah
- Cardiovascular System
- Center Watch - Clinical Trials Listing Service
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Ciné-Med
- Cliniweb International - Cardiovascular Diseases
- Clinical Medical Education: Cardiology
- Club4Heart - Site dedicated to heart and it's medication.
- CME Unlimited
- Cochrane Library
- CyberPatient Simulator
- Cyberounds
- Digital Proceedings - Captures the sights, sounds and slides of meetings, seminars and symposia. An innovative way to distribute the content of your important meetings. Internet video streaming, video archiving, video recording, videoconferencing, recording service, meeting recording, business meeting, archiving, CD ROM production, video production, video service, corporate communications, corporate video.
- DoctorsBookmark.com - Cardiology section of DoctorsBookmark.com, home page for Healthcare Professionals.
- Doctor's Guide
- Doctor's Review - Exclusively designed site for doctors who want information on international medical meetings and conferences, archive of travel articles to plan your conference trip, wine, gadgets, contests, and doctor leisure.
- The EKG Quiz - Attention all EKG lovers! Test your diagnostic abilities. Every three months, a different tracing is featured with a brief patient description for evaluation and diagnosis. Responses will be e-mailed to Dr. Kosmas. The answers will be posted at the end of each three months' period along with a list of those who responded correctly. Good luck!
- E-Medirect Inc. - In the online-shop you get information and products for cardiovascular therapy as well as current cardio-news. We offer medical technology for cardiologists f.e. coronary stents, ballon catheter, stent delivery system, PTCA ballons, R stens, E-SCOR.
- Females in Space - This website points out the advantages from a cardiovascular standpoint of young, under age 30, females over their male counterparts for a Mars mission.
- Food and Drug Administration
- German Medicine Forum (in German)
- Global Cardiology Network
- Global Cardiovascular Infobase
- Global Health 2000
- The Gross Physiology of the Cardiovascular System
- Guidant - A world leader in the design and development of cardiovascular medical products. Our devices help patients with heart disease return to active and productive lives.
- Hardin Meta Directory - Cardiology
- Healthcare Conferences
- HealthGate
- The Heart: An On-line Exploration
- TheHeart.org
- Heart Art
- HeartCenterOnline - Largest library of cardiologist-edited patient education related to Cardiology as well as cardiologist resources.
- Heart Disease / Cardiology Home Page
- The Heart Preview Gallery
- HeartLinx
- Invasive Cardiology Database (in German or English)
- Journal Club on the WWW
- Linde Healthcare - Locum Tenens Recruiters
- LipidHealth
- Lipids Online
- Martindale's Health Science Guide
- McGill Libraries and Databases
- MedBioWorld - Extensive listings of cardiology journals, associations, and databases are part of this large medical-bioscience resource site.
- MedExplorer
- MedicalConferences.com
- Medical Matrix
- Medical Supplies & Equipment Company - Offers discount new and used medical equipment including; ionic air purifiers, electric lift chairs, power scooters, power wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs, and sinus infection treatments.
- Medinweb
- Meditech - Transcription services for doctors.
- Medline Search
- Medow Braun - Database of free medical journals with links to principal medical databases, Free medical programs, Drug reference online.
- Medscape Cardiology
- MedSite
- MedWeb
- MedWeb of Emory University
- MedWebPlus
- Mitral Valve Prolapse Information Network
- National Library of Medicine - Medline Search
- National Library of Medicine: The Visible Human Project
- NetBioSys® Critical Concepts Software
- New Zealand Health Online
- One Valve for Life Heart Valve Selection and Heart Valve Replacement Information - Information on selection of mechanical heart valves and tissue valves, heart valve durability, hemodynamic performance, operative risk and life expectancy for heart valve repair and replacement procedures. Provided by St. Jude Medical.
- Online Institute for Cardiac Surgery
- PDR Online
- Parkhurst Exchange - The medical Q&A database. Doctors search over 1600 clinical questions and answers in 21 therapeutic categories. Updated monthly.
- Pediatric Cardiology Almanac
- Pharmaceutical Information Network Disease Database
- Physician's Guide to the Internet
- PortalCardio (in Spanish)
- Preventive Cardiology
- Promedical (in French)
- Pulse: The Heart Disease Management Center
- Rexall (Dr. Paul Woodward) - Improve lipid profiles with a safe natural fiber supplement developed at Stanford University. As effective as statins without the risk.
- Rexall (Sterina Bries) - Alternative Medicine for a healthier life and freedom to choose a less stressful lifestyle with the largest Nutritional Company in the world Royal Numico.
- Rexall (Clair Olsen) - Improve your health naturally.
- Rexall (Lorenzo De La Cruz) - Health and Wellness Technology, Weight and Stress Management, Cardiovascular and Cholesterol Management, Arthritis
- Slack Cardiology Internet Directory
- SpecialtyMD
- St. Jude Medical Artificial Heart Valves, Cardiac Pacemakers and Other Medical Devices - Information on the heart and heart valve disease, artificial heart valves, tissue valves (such as pig valves), cardiac pacemakers, cardiac catheters, and other St. Jude Medical products.
- The Swiss Cardiovascular Research and Training Network - Offers a graduate and postgraduate training program in Cardiovascular Biology as well as possibilities for scientific exchange with all participating Universities and Laboratories within the network.
- Sydney CardioThoracic Surgeons
- Sydney Heart Image
- Timely Topics in Medicine
- 12-lead ECG Library
- The Urbana Atlas of Pathology - Cardiovascular
- U.S. National Library of Medicine
- Virtual Library
- Viral Myocarditis
- Virtual Course on Cardiology (in Portuguese)
- Virtual Hospital - Information by Organ System: Cardiovascular
- The Virtual Lecture Hall - One of the largest and fastest growing online medical CME providers in the United States, offering over 475 hours of superior-quality, case-based interactive CME geared toward primary care/general practice physicians and other health professionals. All courses are peer-reviewed and are AMA Cat. 1 or AAFP Prescribed Credit. Registration is required.
- WWW Virtual Library - History of Science, Technology & Medicine
- WebMD